Meet Jesus Events
on July 19th, 2024
When people met Jesus 2000 years ago, he rocked their world and transformed their lives forever: the thief became the giver; the liar embraced truth; the hater embodied peace; slaves were set free; the dead were made alive! That's why this month we're running a series of four events aimed at helping the people we love to Meet Jesus.  Read More
Term 3 Dates 2024
on July 9th, 2024
Save these dates for Term 3 & 4 at DPC   Read More
How’d we go at reaching Dubbo in 2023?
on April 9th, 2024
2023 was an exciting year which saw all of church banding together to reach Dubbo with the gospel. Here are some of the highlights.  Read More
The times they are a-changin'
on April 9th, 2024
Some reflections from Wayne on some of the changes at DPC over the years.  Read More
Congregational Overseers
on February 27th, 2024
At DPC we have the clear vision of growing followers of Christ Jesus. For this reason, the Session has been praying and thinking about what leadership structures DPC should have to best promote and accommodate Gospel growth now and in the future.  This paper summarises what we are calling Congregational Overseers within each of our church congregations.  You may be thinking ‘this sounds just like ...  Read More
Living for Eternity - Wayne
on February 27th, 2024
Here’s a copy of the booklet that was handed out at church last week. We hope it prompts you to consider how to better live now for eternity.  Read More
A new trainee in 2024
on December 30th, 2023
We have some exciting news for 2024 - Bek Sheely is joining us as a trainee.  Read More
Celebrating our Serve Teams 2023
on December 17th, 2023
Cathy, Matthew, Tiffany, Nicky & Lydia reflect on the privilege of serving Jesus in a team in 2023.  Read More
Introducing Steve and Tanya Dejong
on December 9th, 2023
Steve and Tanya move to Dubbo in February. Steve will be joining our staff team. Steve brings a great enthusiasm and love for Jesus and desire for people to know Jesus and mature in him.   Read More
NTE team update #2
on December 9th, 2023
Friday Update from the NTE team!Our first stop on Friday, after our morning debrief and talk feedback, was visiting two schools (MAGS and DCS) for Chapel. From the school bells ringing to ranking Zooper Dooper ice block flavours, there was an air of nostalgia as we stepped foot into the school gates. During Chapel, Ryan and Daniel got to speak from Matthew 10 about the blessing it is to be a part ...  Read More
NTE mission update
on December 7th, 2023
We have a team of university students with us from December 6-10. They are doing a lot of community based events to help introduce people to Jesus. Here are the highlights.   Read More
Christmas at DPC - How you can help.
on December 2nd, 2023
Some of ways to get involved in the lead-up to Christmas.  Read More
Christmas at DPC - all you need to know.
on November 30th, 2023
Hello Everyone, Christmas is coming soon and it's a great time to invite people to join us. Here's what's on and everything you need to know.   Read More
Management Matters November 2023
on November 22nd, 2023
Here's an update from the Committee of Management. The COM look after the property and financial affairs of our church. They meet on the 3rd Monday of every month.  Read More
Family room extension finished
on November 3rd, 2023
Our new family room is finished  Read More
Ambitious plans for 2024
on October 30th, 2023
God's heart is for his Son to be honoured by gathering lost sinners headed for his judgment and bringing them into the safety of the kingdom of the Lord Jesus. Here's the highlights of our annual congregation meeting and our plans on how to support our current and future ministry.   Read More
Women's day
on October 29th, 2023
Some highlights from our women's day.  Read More
What's on this term at DPC?
on October 10th, 2023
Term 4 Calendar  Read More
God at work within and through us
on October 4th, 2023
God at work within and through usGod is doing great things across DPC. In the Serve area, we have so many of our church members serving in many and varied ways.Each team has a big picture vision of why they do what they do.  Our serve teams are working together in their shared focus of growing followers of Jesus.We are finding that within the serve teams themselves, there is often so much encourag...  Read More
New Ministry Team Member
on September 18th, 2023
Elizabeth Browne (from church@9) is be joining our ministry team! Elizabeth will be working two days a week along side Wayne leading our 'serve' area of church. The Serve Ministry Area looks after all our ministry teams, including our team leaders, team members and coaches.The Serve area is one of our ministries that help us continue to grow followers of Jesus. Please be praying for Elizabeth and ...  Read More
Winter Workshops 2023
on July 16th, 2023
A huge thanks to everyone who attended or helped out with our Winter Workshops.  Here are some photos of the workshops, culminiating in combined Church Sunday at MAGS to end the week....  Read More
Music Mattters May 2023
on May 1st, 2023
At DPC  want to grow followers of Christ Jesus. Singing together is a vital part of this.  We want to let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly as we sing and so want to sing songs with words that are clear and rich in biblical truth. The particular place of singing in our church meetings is that music engages our hearts. (Col 3:16, James 5:13, Eph 5:19) and so we also want to sing in a way that i...  Read More
Family Bible Reading Resources
on March 26th, 2023
Our Deep in Word team has put together a list of resources to help families with their Bible reading.It's got some suggested Bibles and books for children of various ages....  Read More
Dubbo's Questions
on February 1st, 2023
In January 2022 we did a series on 'Dubbo's Questions for God' answering the top 5 questions Dubbo people had about God.  Read More