Find a Team

You may be visiting this page to explore the different teams and find out where you might like to serve and contribute in our mission of growing followers of Jesus.  All of our teams have this overarching mission.  Each team operates as a group within itself, responsible for the area it's looking after.

Whilst the aim of serve teams are different from growth groups, we find that people tend to enjoy getting to know each other and have an opportunity to support one another.  So that the teams keep on track, each team will meet on a regular basis, for example quarterly.  Team leaders and members have opportunities throughout the year to be trained to further develop their current skills and capacity.  On this page you will find a list of different teams that currently operate within DPC.  Have a look how you may serve within our church or to be praying specifically for teams.

AV Livestream

Our Church@9/11 services are livestreamed for the benefit of those who are unable to make it to the church building for the church service.  On this team you may have some interest or understanding of tech that would help facilitate the smooth running of the online service.

Belong Team

The Belong Team helps people know what it means to belong to church. We run a 3 week course during terms 2, 3 and 4 that gives people a good insight into what we value as a church, what we’re aiming for, and how we can all be involved.

Celebrate Recovery

This is a relatively new team that has been thinking about how to support church members who may have hurts, habits or hang-ups that affect their relationship with God or others.  "Celebrate Recovery" is a course that was designed outside of our church and has been used internationally in churches.  On this team you will consider how you and others may benefit from this course.  Intending to be rolled out in 2024, you will be available one weeknight per week during term times.

Church@6 AV Team

This team supports the smooth functioning of the slides for the service and livestream availability for Church@6.

Cleaning Team

This team cleans the church building with the aim for the building to be neat and without distraction for people who attend church.  On this team you will be part of a smaller cleaning group who will clean every three weeks, generally on a Saturday morning for 2 hours.

Digital Ministry Team

This team focuses on growing followers of Jesus in the online space.  This team caters to people who may not feel ready or do not have the capacity to meet in our current face-to-face networks.  It helps include people who may otherwise remain unreached.

Growth Group Mentors

Each Growth Group leader has a mentor allocated for support in their role.  These mentors help lead the Growth Group leaders.

Growth Group Leaders

Our Growth Groups connect church members in smaller groups that meet regularly between church services.  A growth group leader will support the group in prepared studies and discussion and also facilitate healthy relationships/support within their group.  An important function of Growth Groups is the caring of members for their spiritual and other needs that are better facilitated in smaller groups.

Integration Team

This team works closely with the Welcoming Team and other corresponding teams such as Belong or Intro to Jesus.  On this team you are particularly mindful of new people and regular members of the church and how each individual can be further supported within the church.

Intro to Jesus Team

Intro to Jesus is a course that runs three times per year for 9 weeks at a time.  On this team you will be a leader on a table assisting people who may have questions or comments relating to the course material.  It is not necessary to have "all the answers", but rather be supportive of the learning experience.  You would be committing to an evening per week for 2.5 hours when the course runs.

Kidschurch@10 Team

During the Church@10 service (at MAGS) children aged from Preschool to Yr 6 are given age appropriate and fun materials to help them learn about Jesus, while their parents/carers are listening to the Bible talk within the service.  On the Kidschurch Team you may be involved in teaching the children or supporting the teacher with educational materials provided by the Kidschurch Leader.  You would be available to attend the 10am service each week on a term basis, leaving the service to join the children during the Bible talk.

Kidschurch@11 Team

During the Church@11 service, children aged from Preschool to Yr 6 are given age appropriate and fun materials to help them learn about Jesus, while their parents/carers are listening to the Bible talk within the service.  On the Kidschurch Team you may be involved in teaching the children or supporting the teacher with educational materials provided by the Kidschurch Leader.  You would be available to attend either service each week on a term basis, leaving the service to join the children during the Bible talk.

Kidschurch@9 Team

During the Church@9 service, children aged from Preschool to Yr 6 are given age appropriate and fun materials to help them learn about Jesus, while their parents/carers are listening to the Bible talk within the service.  On the Kidschurch Team you may be involved in teaching the children or supporting the teacher with educational materials provided by the Kidschurch Leader.  You would be available to attend either service each week on a term basis, leaving the service to join the children during the Bible talk.

MOB Leadership Team

MOB is our Youth group for those in the high school age group.  At MOB, youth learn more about God, surrounded by their peers in a fun and safe environment.  As a leader you will attend MOB on a Friday night and prepare for the studies prior to this.  You will also have a willingness and capacity for planning meetings each term and two camps a year.

Morning Tea @9

This team provides hospitality to the Church@9 service in the form of catering for, setting up and packing up for morning tea.  On this team you would be on a monthly roster to come to church 30 minutes prior to the service and staying for 1 hour post service to serve and clean up.

Morning Tea @10

This team provides hospitality to the Church@10 service in the form of catering for, setting up and packing up for morning tea.  On this team you would be on a fortnightly or three weekly roster to come to church 30 minutes prior to the service and staying for 30 minutes post service to serve and clean up.

Mowing Team

This team keeps the grounds in order of the church building in order to provide a neat and presentable outdoor space for people to enjoy utilising the building without unnecessary distraction.   On this team you will be on a roster where you will commit to 2 hours of mowing once a month in Summer and less regularly in Winter.

Music @10

This team aims to help the church praise and glorify God through song.  On this team you will be on a fortnightly roster, as well as practice for 1 hour during the week you are on.

Music @6

This team aims to lead the congregation in heartfelt singing to God and encouragement to each other.  On this team you will be on a fortnightly roster, as well as practice for an hour during the week you are on.

Music @9/11

This team aims to help the church praise and glorify God through song.  On this team you will be on a fortnightly roster, as well as practice for an hour during the week you are on.

Pastoral Care Coordinators

This team works closely with the Welcoming Team and other corresponding teams such as Belong or Intro to Jesus.  On this team you are particularly mindful of new people and regular members of the church and how each individual can be further supported within the church.


Playtime is our playgroup for parents and carers of children aged up to 5 years.  Each Tuesday morning of the term, the children have activities that help introduce them to Jesus in a fun environment.  A team leader is welcome to contribute whether you are bringing children along or not.  You would be available to play with children and encouraging to parents/carers that attend.  This would involve a weekly commitment during term time for approximately 2 hours.

Prayer Team

This team aims to support the church members to consider the importance of individual and corporate prayer.  The team also is provided regularly with prayer points to keep in mind in their own times of prayer, whilst also meeting on a monthly basis for an hour to pray as an open invite with other church members.

Projects Team

This team includes individuals that are working on an individual project that is not part of a team so that they can remain connected with other people and receive support they may need.

Serve Team

The serve team helps support the ministry teams so that each team within DPC continues to function in a way that continues to keep focused on the wider goal of growing followers of Jesus and their particular role within this.


Church@10 meets in the MAGS school hall.  Each week there are large items such as curtains and chairs that need to be set up and packed away for the service to feel warm and welcoming in the large hall.  People on this team are mindful of the needs of Church@10 whilst continuing to respect the MAGS property.  On this team you would be able to lift and move objects for 30 minutes before and after the service, on a weekly or fortnightly basis.


Church@10 is our newest church of DPC.  This team works together to ensure the smooth running of this service so that people can feel able to meet with limited distraction in order to worship God and meet with his people.


This team helps people at Church@10 be able to listen and engage well with the service ensuring sound and audio/visual quality.  On this team you may have a basic understanding of tech equipment or a willingness to be trained.  You would be available before and after the service on a fortnightly basis.

Technology Infrastructure

This is a new team where you will have an interest or understanding of tech infrastructure.  This will assist with the logistical requirements necessary for our online and digital ministries.


This team provides a warm greeting and welcome to both new church attenders and regular members in order for people to feel comfortable and cared for the duration of the service.  This team has the opportunity to smoothly introduce people into the groups that the church has to continue to assist the individual to feel well cared for, such as Intro to Jesus team or growth groups.  On this team you would be available fortnightly to arrive at church 30 minutes early and to stay after the service for possible following up of connections.


This team provides a warm greeting and welcome to both new church attenders and regular members in order for people to feel comfortable and cared for the duration of the service.  This team has the opportunity to smoothly introduce people into the groups that the church has to continue to assist the individual to feel well cared for, such as Intro to Jesus team or growth groups.  On this team you would be available fortnightly to arrive at church 30 minutes early and to stay after the service for possible following up of connections.


This team provides a warm greeting and welcome to both new church attenders and regular members in order for people to feel comfortable and cared for the duration of the service.  This team has the opportunity to smoothly introduce people into the groups that the church has to continue to assist the individual to feel well cared for, such as Intro to Jesus team or growth groups.  On this team you would be available fortnightly to arrive at church 30 minutes early and to stay after the service for possible following up of connections.


This team provides a warm greeting and welcome to both new church attenders and regular members in order for people to feel comfortable and cared for the duration of the service.  This team has the opportunity to smoothly introduce people into the groups that the church has to continue to assist the individual to feel well cared for, such as Intro to Jesus team or growth groups.  On this team you would be available fortnightly to arrive at church 30 minutes early and to stay after the service for possible following up of connections.

WOW Creche

Women on Wednesday (WOW) is our group of Women's Growth Groups that meet on a Wednesday morning in the church building.  The WOW creche is run in parallel with the WOW Growth Groups in the building in order to allow the women the ability to intentionally meet together around God's word without needing to focus on caring for their children during that time.