
Playtime Registration Form

Please complete a separate form for each child

Parent/Carer/Guardian Details#

Additional Parent/Carer/Guardian/ Emergency Contact Details #

Allergies - please include all or type none

Photography Permissions

Please read the following carefully and then choose to either "Give permission" or "Do not give permission"
There are 2 options for Photography Permissions.

Option 1
I give permission for Dubbo Presbyterian Church to take photographs and/or videos of my child. I give permission to Dubbo Presbyterian Church to use photographs and/or video of my child for fundraising, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the group's aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications. *^

Option 2
I do not give permission for Dubbo Presbyterian Church to take photographs and/or video of my child.

# NOTE: Personal and Sensitive information collected by the church and its Property Trust will be used in conformity with our Privacy Policy (which can be found at www.pcnsw.org.au or mailed to you on request). If you do not want your information to be used by us, please do not provide it to us

^ NOTE: Children's full names will not be used with images unless further parent / carer / Guardian consent is obtained. If circumstances change, parents / carers / Guardians can withdraw this consent in writing. We will then seek to remove the child's image where it appears in digital formats but may not be able to retract printed material, individuals may also request specific images to be removed at any time.