Here's an update from the Committee of Management. The COM look after the property and financial affairs of our church. They meet on the 3rd Monday of every month.

Expanded family room - thanks to Barry and team!
In 2023 there have been a number of capital works the Committee has been working on over the year to improve the safety, comfort and and usability of the building. The main ones are expanding the family room (done), adding extra TVs to the auditorium (done), adding lights to the carpark, improving the lighting for the stage, and purchasing new chairs for the auditorium. These should all be coming to fruition soon.

This year the monthly offerings have been consistently coming under budget (except for June which was a great month).
The COM has not wanted to raise an alarm about this, because we have also been spending less that our budget due to less staff than anticipated. Nonetheless, as we look to future growth we don’t want our gospel impact to be limited by our giving.
For those one day cricket fans, here's the 'worm' of our giving. 2023 is the light blue.
The COM has not wanted to raise an alarm about this, because we have also been spending less that our budget due to less staff than anticipated. Nonetheless, as we look to future growth we don’t want our gospel impact to be limited by our giving.
For those one day cricket fans, here's the 'worm' of our giving. 2023 is the light blue.

As we prepare for next year it would be wonderful to be able to get our giving up to the budgeted amount.
Donation to Dean Kaltapau in Vanuatu

Dubbo Presbyterian Church has been handling a fund for Vanuatu Talua students’ children for the past 15 years. The fund has accumulated to $8000 but not been used for 10 years. We decided to donate all the money from the fund to the medical treatment of Benjamin, the son of Dean Kaltapau who was a MTS trainee in Dubbo almost 15 years ago. Dean is now a Presbyterian Minister in Port Villa, Vanuatu and his son had to travel to India for cancer treatment. The money was transferred this month. Here was Dean’s reply:
“We thank you so much for your generosity. Please pass on our thanks and appreciation to everyone. I wish we could come in person to say thank you to everyone in the church. Benjamin is feeling a bit of pain in his body and having fever at the moment but the doctors say it is expected as it indicates that his bone marrows are recovering.“
“We thank you so much for your generosity. Please pass on our thanks and appreciation to everyone. I wish we could come in person to say thank you to everyone in the church. Benjamin is feeling a bit of pain in his body and having fever at the moment but the doctors say it is expected as it indicates that his bone marrows are recovering.“
Posted in Management Matters
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