SU cricket camp

Josiah from Church@6 helps out at a Scripture Union Cricket Camp each year, we asked him what he likes about the camp and why he does it. Here was his answer!

Sitting in the sun on the side of Jubilee Oval whilst watching the Cricket Campers play their 20-20 match isn’t my idea of a holiday. But God quickly reminded me why I was there. The batting team all but lost interest in the game when one year 5 boy asked me,
“Hey Josiah, do you know the story of Jesus controlling the waves?”
“I sure do!” I replied.
“Can you tell it to me?” He asked eagerly, with wide eyes.
I couldn’t believe the how interested the kids were. They hung off every word. And when I finished, they asked me to tell them another story. And another!

It’s this eagerness for God’s word in the context of Christian community that has kept me coming back for the last decade. And now I’ve found myself as a director of the camp!

Cricket Camp began as a dream back in 2003. Maria Buster and Andrew Moreton began the camp out in Bourke, eager to share the gospel to young men through cricket. Maria and Andrew had a strong emphasis on Christian community as a way to witness the gospel to the campers. And this emphasis continues 20 years on!

Today, the camp runs out of Alectown and we regularly get between 50-60 boys between years 5 and 9 (10-15 year olds). A growing number of children from disadvantaged homes are sponsored completely. The camp is packed with activities, from T20 games to cricket drills and academy sessions for those wanting extra coaching. There’s also wide games, narrow games, and indoor Sports World activities.

But the heart of the camp is Jesus. Each year we choose a theme: this year it’s “Pad Up: Stand Firm” based on the Armour of God in Ephesians 6. Throughout the camp, leaders share testimonies, give talks, lead discussion groups and have chats with the campers.

We read the Bible, have question times, and encourage personal time with God. Our goal aligns with Scripture Union, namely, “To make God’s good news known”.

I recently bumped into some campers a few weeks back. I remember the younger boy being full of questions last year. Their dad seemed hesitant at first, but he shook my hand and said, “They’ll be back this year.”

If you know a boy in year 5-9, or would like to sponsor a boy, please get in touch!

We value your continued support and prayers!
Josiah Clarke, Church@6