We're inviting all of Dubbo to join us by putting invitations in their letterboxes!
We need your help with delivering 10,000 carols invitations
We have heaps of invitations in the foyer at the DPC building, plus maps of Dubbo (use a highlighter to mark the streets you will cover). We will also have a map of West Dubbo and invitations at MAGS during the Sunday services.
Like in previous years, grab some invites and go for a letterbox drop in your neighbourhood!
Please DO NOT put them in a letterbox that says 'NO JUNK MAIL.'
We warn to respect people's wishes for privacy.
If you need more invitations you can grab them from 2 locations, see the church email for details.
We need your help with delivering 10,000 carols invitations
We have heaps of invitations in the foyer at the DPC building, plus maps of Dubbo (use a highlighter to mark the streets you will cover). We will also have a map of West Dubbo and invitations at MAGS during the Sunday services.
Like in previous years, grab some invites and go for a letterbox drop in your neighbourhood!
Please DO NOT put them in a letterbox that says 'NO JUNK MAIL.'
We warn to respect people's wishes for privacy.
- See how many you can deliver!
- Great opportunity to meet your neighbours!
- Great opportunity to get fit!
- Great opportunity to pair up with a friend!
If you need more invitations you can grab them from 2 locations, see the church email for details.

UNSW students are helping us - we can help them!
There are still a few ways we can get involved in supporting and encouraging the NTE mission team who are here to help us tell Dubbo about Jesus in the lead-up to Christmas.
Email David if you'd like to be involved.
There are still a few ways we can get involved in supporting and encouraging the NTE mission team who are here to help us tell Dubbo about Jesus in the lead-up to Christmas.
- Provide and serve lunch for 10-15 people Friday 8 December (12:30pm to 1:30pm @ church building)
- Joining the team for door knocking and leafletting (we'd like each NTE team member to be paired up with 1 dpc regular)
- Thursday 7 December, 4:00pm to 6:30pm
- Saturday 9 December, 9:30am to 11:30am
Email David if you'd like to be involved.
Other ways you can help out!

Like our Facebook page so Facebook likes us this Christmas
If you are on Facebook, it would be great to regularly like (or even better leave a positive comment) on our Facebook page and posts in the lead up to carols and Christmas.
If you are on Facebook, it would be great to regularly like (or even better leave a positive comment) on our Facebook page and posts in the lead up to carols and Christmas.
Have you invited your friends?

Here's an interesting stat:
3 in 10 Australians say they would go to a Christmas church service if invited by a family member or friend. Half of those 'definitely would accept' and half 'probably would accept.'
A further 1 in 10 Australians were unsure if they would say yes or no.
Under half gave an outright 'no.'
This is interesting. You might expect your friends or family who don't normally go to church to be disinterested or say they are too busy, but maybe they are not coming because you're not asking them!!
Carols is a great event and almost everyone who comes loves it!
Think about who you can invite and grab a postcard on Sunday.
3 in 10 Australians say they would go to a Christmas church service if invited by a family member or friend. Half of those 'definitely would accept' and half 'probably would accept.'
A further 1 in 10 Australians were unsure if they would say yes or no.
Under half gave an outright 'no.'
This is interesting. You might expect your friends or family who don't normally go to church to be disinterested or say they are too busy, but maybe they are not coming because you're not asking them!!
Carols is a great event and almost everyone who comes loves it!
Think about who you can invite and grab a postcard on Sunday.
Posted in Dubbo
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